Text5 Special Training Session

Since 2016, Many members joined the training sessions of textbook 5 by Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters to learn the detailed explanations of each theme and the method of teaching for Textbook 5.
The sessions ended at the end of March 2019 and for those haven’t been able to take the training yet, we start the loan of DVD to individuals or uploading the video on the internet for individuals to watch it.

This is for the teaching members who haven’t taken the training and the video includes lectures and demonstrations to teach Text5.

*The video is strictly for the applied person only and viewing is available for the limited period. After session, need to inform  the Sogetsu Headquarters that your viewing is over.
*those who can apply for the video are the STA members who haven’t completed Textbook 5.


Find and read through the guidance for the viewing. After accepting the terms and conditions, download the application form and send it to Overseas Affairs Department by e-mail.(overseas@sogetsu.or.jp).

*After receiving the valid application, we will respond in turn to each request and send the link of the video by e-mail.

certificate-handling fees

2,000JPY per certificate


Please read carefully the guideline below.
Then fill in order form and send it to Overseas affairs department.



  • Guidelines (PDF)
  • Guidelines (Japanese) (PDF)
  • Order form for DVD (PDF)
Home To STA Members Text5 Special Traini...